Skilled materials consultants keep jobs moving forward

As all experienced construction professionals know, project engineering doesn’t end when the plans are stamped. Whether it is unstable soil conditions, excavation planning or dewatering, 3rd party damage claims, or troubleshooting materials problems, many factors can impact construction schedules and budgets. Bowser-Morner’s materials consulting group has the expertise and experience to help when inevitable challenges arise.

Bowser-Morner consulting engineers and materials experts work side by side with contractors and owners on the job to quickly troubleshoot issues, cost-effectively resolve problems, and provide pragmatic materials recommendations. Our goal is to keep projects on track and help ensure project success, no matter what impacts your site.

Our local knowledge of subsurface conditions and extensive experience with construction observation and quality assurance work means whatever problem you face, we’ve likely seen it—and solved it—before. We also stay up to date on the latest industry trends and best practices by actively participating in numerous industry associations and technical committees, including:

  • AGC (The Associated General Contractors of America)
  • ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)
  • ASM (American Society of Materials)
  • AFS (American Foundry Society)
  • ACI (American Concrete Institute)
  • NCMA (National Concrete Masonry Association)
  • AWWA (American Water Works Association)
  • NGWA (National Ground Water Association)
  • NSSGA (National Stone Sand & Gravel Association)
  • OCA (The Ohio Contractors Association)
  • ORMCA (Ohio Ready Mix Concrete Association)
  • ICPA (Illinois Concrete Pipe Association)
  • PPPIW (Precast/Prestressed Producers of Illinois & Wisconsin)

With the help of our professionals, you can reduce project risk and get the dedicated support you need to solve a wide range of challenges.

Key Personnel

President, Sr. Geotechnical & Materials Consultant / Director, Field Services Division View Bio
Senior Construction Engineer & Manager - Dayton Field Services View Bio
VP & Director of Construction Materials & Geotechnical Laboratories View Bio
Assistant Manager & Materials Consultant, Dayton CMET Field Services View Bio
Manager, Toledo Construction Material Lab / Geotechnical Lab View Bio
Field Supervisor, Toledo Field Services View Bio
Manager, Toledo Field Services View Bio